Dec 30, 2022

A car’s battery has a limited lifespan. It will gradually become weaker as it ages, and you’ll need to fit a replacement at your friendly Chrysler Dealer. We want to give you a heads-up on some signs you need a new car battery.

Rotten Egg Smell

Hydrogen sulfide has a characteristic rotten egg smell. If this smell comes from your engine, your battery is very likely wearing out. The sulfur smell is a byproduct of the chemical breakdown in your battery. A car battery contains several chemicals, the most important of which is sulfuric acid. These chemicals enable the battery to store electricity as chemical energy.

As sulfuric acid breaks down, it releases hydrogen gas. Hydrogen molecules are small enough to escape the confines of the battery casing and enter your engine. In the engine compartment, the hydrogen molecules combine with sulfur molecules produced by the fuel. This combination creates hydrogen sulfide. In time, this new gas will start to corrode your battery. Our technicians will examine your battery and replace it if it’s damaged.

Distorted Battery Case

The chemicals and other components in a battery must be protected from external damage and contamination. The strong plastic casing around your battery components also prevents battery chemicals from leaking into your engine. A car battery is usually rectangular, but you can also get square ones. One of the signs of a failing battery is the distortion of the battery casing.

You can check the condition of your battery by popping the hood. If you notice any protrusions or other distortion in the flat sides of the battery case, your battery is failing. These distortions are caused by changes in the chemical composition of the battery. Extreme heat or cold alters the chemical balance in an older battery and builds up its internal pressure. The pressure can’t escape, so it damages the battery’s casing. If this happens, we can quickly replace the battery for you.

Your Battery Is Old

Age isn’t kind to a battery. As your battery gets older, the chemicals inside the battery slowly decay. These chemicals break down and recombine into other chemicals. As we’ve seen, sulfuric acid breaks down and emits hydrogen gas. The average life of a battery is three to five years before it starts to weaken.

We always advise a battery test when your battery is three years old and then annual inspections after that. This will ensure that your battery is in good health, and we can monitor it for any decline. If the test shows your battery is failing, we can swiftly replace it for you.

If your battery displays any of these signs, call us right away at Longley Bros Inc.