Jan 27, 2023

Engine problems can rapidly turn from a minor nuisance to a major problem if not repaired ASAP. A car’s engine is filled with a multitude of parts, any of which can fail due to age or damage. As your Dodge RAM dealer in Fulton, NY, we have the technicians and parts to repair any problem with your car. We’d like to tell you some signs that your car has a problem with its engine that we need to fix.

Worn Alternator

A worn alternator can cause serious issues for your automobile. The alternator is responsible for generating electricity for your car’s systems and devices. As your alternator ages, it starts to produce less power. This is a gradual process, but it’s irreversible. A reduction in the power supply will cause electrical glitches, starting and stalling problems, and can even kill your battery.

Electrical glitches are caused by your car’s computer trying to provide as many components as possible with electricity using a reduced power supply. The computer will shift power between components depending on demand. It will also shut down components with a lower priority to supply electricity to higher-priority ones. We’ll test your alternator and install a new one if the original has worn out.

Oil Leaks

Oil is essential for your engine, as it lubricates all the moving parts. As the oil is pumped through the engine, it covers the various components in a protective film that helps to reduce friction damage. The movement of the oil reduces the heat generated by the fast-moving parts, which helps to lower the engine temperature.

If you spot a puddle of oil underneath your car, we advise that you call us right away. If you drive with an oil leak, your engine can get damaged. A lack of oil reduces engine lubrication, and individual parts can seize up. Oil can leak from a variety of places, but our expert technicians will find and seal the leak. Once the leak is repaired, we’ll refill your car’s oil.

Damaged Pistons, Rings, and Cylinders

The pistons fit inside the cylinders in your engine, and the rings provide an airtight seal to allow for compression. The fuel-air mix in your engine is drawn into the cylinders, and the upward movement of the cylinders compresses the mixture until it’s ignited. Your engine depends on these components to produce the combustion that enables your car to move.

Rough idling, rattling noises, and blue exhaust smoke are all signs of problems with these components. Most problems with these components can be quickly fixed if they’re repaired when they first appear.

If you suspect you have a problem with your engine, call our service department right away at Longley Bros Inc.